Will the Fed Crash the Markets?

Allianz chief economic adviser Mohamed El-Erian, who is by far one of my favorite market pundits, was on CNBC yesterday explaining how Fed officials have basically painted themselves into a corner with their “backward looking monetary new framework” that will make it very difficult for them to take their proverbial foot off the pedal. In […]

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Blockchain-as-a-Service (Baas) Startup Snags US $2.5 Million Investment from The Bitcoin Man at RISE Tech Conference 2019 in Hong Kong CryptScout.com

Earlier today, at a press announcement at the RISE Tech Conference 2019 in Hong Kong, Herbert R. Sim, founder of Crypto Chain University, most commonly known as “The Bitcoin Man”, signed an investment deal of US$ 2.5-million in DIYBlockhain. The startup based in Mountain View, California with offices in India and South Africa, released its […]

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El Salvador’s “Bitcoin President” Plans to Launch Geothermal-powered Bitcoin Mining Operation

Welcome to the internet, where the bizarre becomes reality, and then it makes people insanely rich. Today’s phenomenon revolves around the old-meme-suddenly-turned-target of the now-trending WallStreetBets (WSB) meme stocks, in which a person goes on a random rant only to have a uniformed clerk ever-so-eloquently inform the ranter that “sir, this is a Wendy’s.” It’s […]

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