Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich (With Blockchain)

Today, I’m coming out of the closet. Over a decade ago, I discovered a little book called Think and Grow Rich. Written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill (pictured above), it is considered one of the classic self-improvement books. The basic premise is that our thoughts become things. If you want to become rich, Hill says, […]

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The Fed Sets a New Record

Once again, the Federal Reserve has set a new record, as they continue their blatant manipulation of financial markets. Here we can see the amount of cash left in what’s known as the overnight reverse repo facility, which just reached $1.12 trillion for the first time on Wednesday. If you’re not entirely sure how reverse […]

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Bank fees

Fee vs. Free: How to Avoid Crypto Transaction Fees

Let’s talk about fees. Since the beginning of blockchain, we’ve painted this vision of crypto: “Imagine sending money around the world, instantly, with no fees!” What’s more, we’ve railed against old-school financial institutions with their sky-high fees. “Credit card companies take 3% of your transaction!” Today, the reality is that most crypto transactions take a […]

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DeHorizon Foundation is to Initiate DeVerse, Blockchain-based MMO/RPG Metaverse, Making “Play for Fun and to Earn” into Reality!

Post Views: 9 DeHorizon Foundation is to initiate DeVerse which is a blockchain-based MMO/RPG Metaverse game built on Binacne Smart Chain. The long-term vision of DeHorizon Foundation is to create a Metaverse world that is open, free, and dominated by players. The appearance of GameFi does make great influence on the traditional […]

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Ethereum just activated article

Ethereum Activates “London” Hard Fork

It’s hard fork day in crypto land, and everyone seems excited for the upgrades that have just been implemented on Ethereum’s blockchain. We’ll spare you the technical details in this report, but the above article from MacKenzie Sigalos, a CNBC reporter, does a really great job of setting expectations for the average user. In short, […]

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How to Value Blockchains (With Examples)

You know the guy on the left: Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors of our time. But who’s that cat on the right? That’s Benjamin Graham, the guy who taught Buffett how to invest. Ben Graham’s classic book, The Intelligent Investor, is worth a read for anybody that wants to become financially independent. […]

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