
Will Dogecoin Reach a Dollar?

This is Kabosu, the original face of the Doge meme. (She’s now 15.) What are tokenomics? Tokenomics are the economics of tokens: specifically, how many there are, how many can be created, and how they’re created (or destroyed). Before investing in any digital asset – from bitcoin to cryptocurrencies – understand the tokenomics. Dogecoin, the […]

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NFT Investing: How to Buy Cryptopunks

Who are you calling a punk, punk?! Cryptopunks have nothing to do with 90’s TV shows or music albums released on CDs. Though their creators were possibly influenced by this culture. Cryptopunks are algorithmically generated 24×24 pixel art NFTs. Due to their popularity, they have been featured in The New York Times, Christie’s of London, […]

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Financial inclusion

The Simple Formula for Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is one of the most important topics in blockchain, because we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to actually do something about it. Financial inclusion is a big problem, so I’ll simplify it into a few easy-to-understand examples, then show how blockchain technology can solve it. Most importantly, I’ll show why you should care. The […]

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